Is ChatGPT Or Bard (Gemini) Better For Bloggers

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In today’s fast-paced digital world, bloggers are constantly seeking ways to streamline their writing process and produce high-quality content more efficiently. Enter artificial intelligence (AI) writing tools like ChatGPT and Bard (aka Gemini), which promise to revolutionise the way bloggers create content but is ChatGPT or Bard (Gemini) better for bloggers? 

Well, let’s find out and let the AI blog wars commence. We’ll take a look at the features and the generated content results of both ChatGPT and Bard to help you decide. So, brace yourselves, because we’re about to throw down in a digital duel!

Let’s Meet The Contenders

Before we jump into the comparison, let’s quickly introduce our contenders. ChatGPT and Bard (or as I like to call them, Chatty and Bardy) are both AI-powered writing tools designed to assist users in generating content. 

Both tools can be used to help brainstorm content ideas, research content topics, create blog post outlines or even create entire blog post drafts as well as many other blogging chores.

Introducing ChatGPT

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture and is known for its impressive natural language processing capabilities. 

is chatgpt or bard (gemini) better for bloggers

It’s certainly already earned its stripes in the blogging community and has become a go-to for many in the blogging space. It sprang from a lineage of language models designed to understand and generate human-like text, making it a powerful ally for bloggers.

ChatGPT brings with it the robust backing of OpenAI’s extensive training data. It pulls from a wide array of sources, helping you cover topics in impressively comprehensive detail.

Introducing Google Bard (aka Gemini)

Google Bard (Gemini), on the other hand, is essentially Google’s response to the growing demand for AI-driven content creation, crafted to compete directly with tools like ChatGPT.

Bard leverages Google’s vast knowledge graph which is pretty massive. Imagine tapping into the kind of information that powers the world’s largest search engine. We’re talking about a depth of knowledge that’s constantly evolving just like the web itself.

Its integration with Google’s vast information network helps streamline the research process for bloggers, presenting data and creative writing suggestions based on real-time search engine results.

is bard (gemini) better for bloggers

It’s this direct link to Google’s search capabilities that stands out. From an SEO standpoint, this is exciting since Bard can align generated content with what people are searching for at any given moment.

It’s also designed to work hand in hand with Google’s services, (Google Drive, YouTube, etc) which could save you time toggling between tools and this integration with Google’s suite of tools is excellent for simplification and streamlining.

Is ChatGPT Or Bard Better For Bloggers

I want to show you how both chatbots perform when it comes to content creation but before I do that, I just want to mention some of the biggest differences between them before we get into the whole “which one generates better content” battle.

So I’ll quickly cover what each one can and can’t do and whether or not it will cost you to do it. And yes, I realise that Bardy is now following in the footsteps of Twitter, I mean X and Prince, I mean Symbol??

But until the new name Gemini sinks in, I’ll continue to call it Bard, for now. Plus, I’m thinking about keywords here and I don’t really want to end up in the SERPs when someone’s searching for the characteristics of a starsign!!

Internet Access

The original Bard is free for all users and it currently accesses the internet in real-time meaning that it can access the most up-to-date and current information. ChatGPT on the other hand, can also access the internet but only for paid users (GPT-4). If you’re using the free GPT-3.5, then I’m afraid there’s no internet access with this one.

There is, however, now a new paid version of Bard (Gemini) which is Gemini Advanced and this is supposed to be even more powerful than the free version. So far, the free version has kept all of its original features and hopefully, it stays that way.

bard (gemini) advanced

To be honest, Bardy is starting to take on the same look and feel as ChatGPT and I’m really hoping they don’t move the internet accessibility to the paid plan only like ChatGPT. This is one of the features that make it stand out from chatty and it would be a real shame if they ever changed that.

Current Information

As Bard can access the internet in real-time, its information is current and completely up to date. When it comes to ChatGPT, it depends on which version you’re using.

As of February 2024, the paid version, ChatGPT-4, has been trained using data up to April 2023 whereas its free counterpart, ChatGPT-3.5, has been trained using data up to January 2022. 

Integration With Other Apps, Systems And Platforms

As mentioned, Bard is designed to work hand in hand with Google’s other services such as Google Drive, Gmail, YouTube, Google Maps, etc but unfortunately, for now, that’s where its integration ends.

bard (gemini) integrations

ChatGPT on the other hand has a vast number of integration capabilities and can be integrated with the likes of Microsoft Apps, WordPress, GA4, Hootsuite, and many others although it’s often not free. 

Generating AI Images

As of February 2024, you can now generate AI images using Bard with Imagen 2 (free plan included). It hasn’t quite rolled out everywhere as of yet but it’s already available in many countries (the EU, UK and Switzerland are currently excluded). 

Bard did take its time with its initial rollout so hopefully, these exclusions are only temporary but you never know. Canada (among several others) only just got Bard (Gemini), let alone Bard’s ability to generate images.

ChatGPT can also generate AI images using DALL-E 3 but only in the paid version (GPT-4). If you’re using the free version (3.5), then image generation is not available. 

Ease Of Use 

Both ChatGPT and Bard feature user-friendly interfaces, making them accessible to bloggers of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie blogger, you’ll find both tools intuitive and easy to navigate.

However, Bardy does have some extra editing options when it comes to prompts. With Bard, you can edit your most recent prompt by using the Modify Response option which will let you request alternative responses such as, more professional, shorter, longer, more casual, etc.

bard (gemini) modify responses

One other feature is that Bard automatically generates three different responses for you to choose from with every prompt and these are all handy extra features.

How The Chatbots Compare With Content Creation

Both tools are an asset when it comes to content creation and can help with brainstorming ideas, fleshing out outlines, or creating and polishing your final drafts.

Up until recently, Bard was the better research tool and ChatGPT was the better content writer. However, with Bard’s recent updates, its content writing skills have improved drastically.

Prior to this, Bardy was a little bland and dry and lacked the quirky, creative personality of its chatty rival. It also lacked Chatty’s humorous flair and its outlines often fell short of ChatGPT’s more detailed and broken-down approach. Think dull, to-the-point, straight-laced facts with very little character or imagination (sorry Google but it’s true).  

Now, however, Bardy has evolved and is starting to give Chatty a run for its money.  The gap in the creative differences that once set them apart is now slowly closing.

Creating Blog Post Titles    

To give you a true feel of how each chatbot performs, I’m going to ask both of them to perform the same tasks. For this, I’m going to pretend that I’m in the puppy niche and I’m going to start by asking each one to “Suggest 10 catchy titles for a blog post called How to train your puppy”. I’ll start by using ChatGPT and this is how it responded.

chatgpt titles

In comparison, this is the response I get when using Bard instead and typing in the exact same prompt.

bard (gemini) titles

I’m pretty happy with both chatbots on this one although I think Bardys are a little more catchy than Chatty’s on this occasion.

Creating Blog Post Outlines

The next thing I want to do is see how they both perform with blog post outlines. As I mentioned earlier, Bard used to come up short here when compared to ChatGPT but let’s see how much that’s changed. I’m going to ask them both to “Create an outline for a blog post called How to train your puppy“. Again, I’ll start with ChatGPT and this is how it responded.

chatgpt outline 1
chatgpt outline 2

As aspected, chatty does a good job with its outline and breaks everything down into several headed sections. But now it’s Bardy’s turn so let’s see how well it performs with the same task.

bard (gemini) outline 1
bard (gemini) outline 2

As you can see, Bard also did a great job here and this is very different to what the Bard of old used to generate which was generally just an introduction, a conclusion and a small section in the middle for the body.  

Creating Draft Blog Posts

Next, I want to up the ante a little and see how well each one can create draft blog posts. This is where we’ll be able to see how much personality and creativity each chatbot has.

As the easiest way to create entire drafts is one section at a time (Chatty and Bardy both struggle with long-form content if you try to create it in one go), I’m going to pick a section that I think might be interesting. 

I’m hoping for a little bit of humour so I’m going to go for the potty training section and ask both chatbots to “Create a draft for the Potty Training section and aim for around 200 words, keeping the style of writing casual”. Here’s how ChatGPT responded.

chatgpt draft

Again, chatty did a good job and generated a 214-word draft for that section but let’s see how well Bardy compared.

bard (gemini) draft 1
bard (gemini) draft 2

Bard also did a good job here and actually generated a little more content. This draft came in at 309 words.

Now I don’t know about you but I have to hand this one to Bardy. It injected a bit more imagination and added a few quirky one-liners to the draft which made it that little bit more entertaining to read.

The Old Bard

When I first started using Bard, it was often very difficult to get it to be as casual and quirky with its writing style as ChatGPT no matter how hard I tried. Even when I asked it to write in a humourous style, it would still fail miserably but this is no longer the case and Bard is truly starting to get much more creative and original with its responses.

Of course, this is subjective. It all depends on the type and style of content you enjoy reading and writing. You’ll also get different results depending on the subject matter you’re drafting and if you change the writing style. To be honest, I’m not sure if Bardy has just gotten a lot better or if Chatty has lost some of its quirkiness but in this example, I’m loving what Bard is outputting.

Maybe it’s because I’ve experienced the older Bard which was nowhere near as creative so its new sense of imagination is truly catching my attention. If this were a real blog post, I’d be going with Bardy’s draft no question.     

Creating Social Media Titles And Descriptions

In the age of social media, catchy captions and interesting descriptions can make all the difference in driving engagement so let’s see how well the chatbots do at generating punchy one-liners and click-worthy descriptions.

For this, I’m going to ask them both to “Suggest some catchy Pinterest Pin titles and descriptions for a blog post called How to train your puppy“. Here’s how ChatGPT responded.

chatgpt pinterest pin title 1
chatgpt pinterest pin title 2

ChatGPT has always been good at coming up with catchy social media text so no surprise here but again, let’s see how well Bard compared.

bard (gemini) pinterest pin title 1
bard (gemini) pinterest pin title 2

Both chatbots provided an excellent selection of titles and descriptions here. I would usually ask for titles and descriptions separately and specify a certain number for each, but even without doing that, they both gave me a nice selection to choose from.

Bard gave me two different styles of titles to choose from and some humorous one liners in its descriptions. On the other hand, ChatGPT went a little further and also included hashtags with the descriptions. To be honest, many people don’t use hashtags on Pinterest anymore (myself included) but I still give it points for including them even when I didn’t ask for them.

Watch Out For The Fibbing

I’m sure you’re already aware that AI chatbots don’t always get their facts straight but something else that’s worth noting is that one of our chatbot friends likes to tell fibs about its own abilities and that chatbot would be Bardy. 

Google Bard likes to blow its own trumpet but while doing so, I’ve often seen it tell porkies and brag about being able to do things that in reality, it actually can’t,

As an example, I decided to see what it would do if I asked it to generate longer form content which I already know most AI chatbots fail miserably at.

So I instructed it to create a draft of an outline it had already created and I asked it to aim for 2000 to 3000 words. I already knew that it wouldn’t be able to come close to that but what I didn’t expect was for it to blatantly lie to me about it.

bard (gemini) exaggerations

I could instantly tell that the results were much shorter than what I’d asked for just by how long it took me to scroll through it but according to Bardy, its draft came in at approximately 1950 words.

Caught Red Handed (or red mouthed should we say)

So I copied and pasted the response into a Google Doc to see just how exaggerated the fib was and sure enough, it came in a pitiful 577 words to be precise. Hmmm, 1950 words? I don’t think so, Bardy.

bard (gemini) exaggerations 2

And although ChatGPT also fails with long-form content, it did do slightly better with this same exercise and came back with 654 words but at least it didn’t lie about the results. To be fair, it didn’t mention the fact that it had fallen way short either but better to say nothing at all than to pretend you did something you clearly didn’t. That’s my thoughts anyway.   

Bardy also once told me it could generate images way before that feature was added which it then had to quickly retract once I asked it to do that so watch out for these little skill exaggerations. I do still love using Bardy though even if it is a bit of a chancer. You gotta love a trier.  

Let’s Get Creative With ChatGPT And Bard (Gemini)

In conclusion, both ChatGPT and Bard have plenty to offer that can benefit bloggers in many different ways. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your individual preferences and blogging style.

I enjoy using them both and will often use them in tandem to get different ideas and directions that I can then combine together so don’t be afraid to experiment with both.   

So, if you’re ready to take your blogging game to the next level, why not give ChatGPT and Bard (Gemini) a try and see which one works best for you? Remember, these AI assistants are tools, not replacements. Your unique voice and expertise are what truly make your blog shine. Use these tools wisely, have fun, and keep creating awesome content.

And if you’d like to share your experiences and opinions, please feel free to do so in the comments below. I love to hear which tool you prefer.

Happy Blogging!

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