How to Create Stunning Pinterest Pins with Canva

how to create stunning pinterest pins with canva

Are you looking to boost your Pinterest marketing game and drive more traffic to your website? Why not start by learning how to create Pinterest pins with Canva? Pinterest has become a powerhouse for visual content, and creating eye-catching pins is essential for standing out in the crowd on this visually-driven platform. Fortunately, Canva, a … Read more

How To Create Reusable Blocks In WordPress

how to create reusable blocks in wordpress

Want to learn how to create reusable blocks in WordPress? If you’re a WordPress user looking to streamline your content creation process and improve website management, reusable blocks are the way to go. Reusable blocks allow you to create custom content elements that can be used across different pages and posts, saving you time and … Read more

How To Create A Google AdSense Account

how to create a google adsense account

So you want to monetise your website and now you’re wondering how to create a Google AdSense Account. Well, it’s actually pretty straightforward and in this tutorial, I’ll show you step-by-step how to do it.  I’ll also show you how to set up auto ads and how to create and insert manual AdSense ads too … Read more

How To Set Up Google Analytics In WordPress

how to set up google analytics in wordpress

For any website owner, knowing how to set up Google Analytics in WordPress is extremely important because Google Analytics is used to help you monitor your website’s traffic. As a website owner, this information is essential to see how well your site is growing and to see which posts are bringing in more visitors than … Read more

How To Add Links In WordPress

how to add links in wordpress

The question of how to add links in WordPress is a really common one and an important one too because your entire site is built around links so knowing how to add them is essential for anyone running their own website. This is especially true if you’re monetising your site in any way because most … Read more