About Me

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about me

Well, I guess this is where I tell you a little bit about me so here it goes. I’m Jessie and if you’re here then more than likely, you’re looking for a different way to earn an income or to utilize your free time to make an extra income online.

I found myself doing exactly this some years back and after much searching, I discovered that I could build a website around something that interested me and make an income from it, all without having to take a single step outside my front door.

Leaving The 9 To 5

I happen to be a stay-at-home mum and up until I had my third child, I had always had a full-time job. However, after baby number three, I decided to take a work break to stay at home with the little ones. I really wanted to take that time with them but I’m not gonna lie, the fact that the insane cost of childcare was almost equal to my full-time wage was an undeniable factor in that decision. I also live in a pretty remote area (the back arse of nowhere would be a better description) so travel time and cost were another huge factor.

At first, being at home was a huge novelty. I didn’t exactly have a whole lot of spare time on my hands, not with three small humans running around but I could do everything on my terms and in my own time (well, at least when the kids were asleep or otherwise occupied). Losing my own income, on the other hand, was no such novelty, and becoming completely financially dependent on my husband was a very hard pill to swallow.

Bigger Kiddies = More Spare Time

So once the kids were a little bigger and I found myself with more free time during the school day, I started looking at ways to earn an income online from home. I figured this was a great solution, I could still be at home to get the kids to and from school and during the school holidays whilst also having my own mummy hustle on the side that I could work on whenever I choose. Besides, there had to be a more productive way of me passing the time that didn’t consist of binge-watching the Real Housewives of Anywhere and Everywhere or even worse still, Candy Crush!

I must have spent months researching and trying different things until finally, I found something that I loved, and that was, building my very own website and writing about things that I loved whilst of course monetising it in the process.

And I Would Love To Help You Do The Same

To be honest, this is now my third site so technically this is mummy’s side, side, side hustle but at this point who’s counting? The thing is though, that most of us would love the idea of being our own boss and the truth is that it’s really not that difficult. If you have some free time and are willing to put the effort in, there’s no reason why you can’t start making a living for yourself online.

My hope for this site would be to help give you some inspiration, the tools to get you started and steer you in the right direction and help you get over any bumps in the road that you may come across on your journey. If I can share my own experiences and the things that I have found that worked for me, and the solutions to problems I’ve faced myself, then I’m more than happy to do so and I hope it helps you get closer to your own successful online income.

So whether you’re a student, retired, a stay-at-home mum, or looking for a way to earn an extra income or leave the rat race behind entirely, I hope you find ideas and solutions here to help you on your way. And if you ever need a hand or have any questions, please feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,


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